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ESHE 650

ESHE 650: Research Methods

Prerequisites: Matriculation into a Health and Human Performance graduate program.

Credit Hours: (3)

Instructional Method: Hybrid

Students will receive an introduction to various types of research and method processes. Students will explore different areas of research and requirements to assist them in building their own research in future courses. Students will learn how to use evidence-based practices to guide them in their research. By the end of the course students will have completed constructing the methodology portion of their research study. Lecture 3 hours. This is a hybrid course.


Various research types and methods in the healthcare field including but not limited to: quantitative, qualitative and action research

Evidence-based practice in the field of health care

Detailed Description of the Conduct of Course

Lectures on course content (seated, virtual, synchronous, asynchronous, etc.); explore topics through differing levels of research; participate in peer-evaluation. This is a hybrid course.

Student LearningOutcomes

Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate understanding of various types of research methods.
2. Demonstrate construction of a complete methodology portion of their intended research study.
3. Demonstrate the use of evidence to inform their research study.

Assessment Measures

Assessment measures may include, but are not limited to:

  • Course participation
  • Presentations
  • Student Research Case Studies



Published June 2023