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GEOL 121

I. Course Title: Earth Science in Society Laboratory

II. Course Number: GEOL 121

III. Credit Hours: 1 credit

IV. Prerequisites: GEOL 120

     Corequisites: GEOL 120

V. Course Description: 

Experience in solving geological problems related to topics of environmental geology including: earthquakes, volcanoes, shoreline erosion, flooding, energy exploration, and natural resources. May include field experience.

Note(s): General Education and Scientific and Quantitative Reasoning designated course.  Students cannot receive credit for both GEOL 121 and GEOL 100.

VI. Detailed Description of Content of the Course:

Topics may include but are not limited to:

  1. Geologic Time
  2. Topographic Maps, digital maps, and air photos from sources such as Google Maps.
  3. Earthquakes
  4. Volcanoes
  5. River Flooding
  6. Earth Resources
  7. Groundwater Contamination
  8. Coastal Erosion
  9. Petroleum Exploration
  10. Landslides and Mass Wasting
  11. Meterorite Impacts
  12. Field Trip – Rocks of the Campus (weather dependent)

VI. Detailed Description of Conduct of Course:

Typically, before coming to class, students will complete online background reading and preparation work. In-class lab activities will include problem sets working with graphs and maps, field trips, game simulations, and sample testing. Students will work both alone and in cooperative group situations.

VII. Goals and Objectives of the Course:

Students will be able to:

  1. Explain geologic phenomena such as flooding and earthquake locations by using simple calculations and graphs;
  2. Analyze geologic hazards such as flooding and shoreline erosion from air photos and topographic maps and digital programs such as Google Earth;
  3. Determine geologic history from maps and diagrams;
  4. Recognize the most common materials and understand that Earth materials are common in every day human use;
  5. Analyze geologic data to make decisions concerning land use and human safety.

VIII. Assessment Measures:

Assessments will include lab practical examinations, weekly graded lab activities, and pre-lab online activities.

Review and Approval

August 2020

March 01, 2021