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GEOG 305

GEOG 305

Catalog Entry

GEOG 305 Population Geography. (SS) (GE)
Three hours lecture (3)

Prerequisites: GEOG 101, GEOG 102, GEOG 103 or permission of instructor.

Study of basic demographic processes and exploration of their spatial/geographic dimensions.

Note(s): General Education and Cultural or Behavioral Analysis designated course


Detailed Description of Content of Course


1. Ideas about fertility, morality, population growth and composition; spatial dimensions of these phenomena and their implications. Population data: quality, quantity, reliability.
2. Fertility: definitions, measurement, correlates, world patterns. Family planning and abortion.
3. Mortality: definitions, measurement, historical trends; epidemiological transition; causes of death; space and death.
4. Mobility: definitions, types; mobility transition; global and regional patterns.
5. Population composition: natural and acquired characteristics. Relationships with economic development.
6. Population distribution and urbanization: urban way of life, urban status, nucleated towns, suburbanization, urban agglomerations
7. Population Policy: a) to influence population growth, b) to influence population distribution; world survey of programs.
8. Country Case Study - The USA
9. Country Case Study - Russia


Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

The course emphasizes significance and impact of basic demographic phenomena and their spatial dimensions. It is primarily a lecture course. To facilitate communication students will be assigned med-abased population research, and will make presentations on population issues of relevance to particular nations. Videos on these issues will be shown and discussed. Guest speakers (from the Census Bureau and, occasionally, from abroad) will be invited


Goals and Objectives of the Course

Having successfully completed this course, the student will be able to understand population growth regularities and relevant policies. It will be possible for him/her not merely to dispel numerous and immensely popular misconceptions on population growth but also to contribute professionally to urban, rural and national population surveys and planning decisions.


Assessment Measures

Students' progress in mastering the concepts and skills required for successful completion of this course will be assessed by a series of essay question exams, a research paper and assignments on computations of demographic indices and their matching with specific nations.


Other Course Information





September 2005 Reviewed Bernd H. Kuennecke

March 01, 2021