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GEOS 493

GEOS 493

Catalog Entry

GEOS 493. Planning Techniques. (SS)
Three hours lecture(3).

Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing.

Study of issues involved in comprehensive planning of communities and lands beyond urban realms. Emphasis on discussion of major planning concerns; particular attention paid to nature of rural problems and directions in future.


Detailed Description of Content of Course

This course examines theory, legal foundations, and practice of local government planning processes. Planning theory, concepts and tools presented in the context of planning in Virginia. The legal foundations of planning are examined in light of the governmental structures (federal, state, and local) and their respective impact on local planning functions. The legal issues connected to planning in Virginia are examined in detail based on the Virginia Local Planning Legislation. The practice of planning is examined utilizing such real world examples and cases, as comprehensive plans, site plans, industrial development plans, neighborhood plans, and planning for recreational activities.


Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

This is a three-hour lecture course. Although lectures by the instructor provide the basic format, classroom discussion and student participation are encouraged. Applied planning projects are prepared by individual students and/or teams of students and presented to the class. These form the basis of discussions concerning feasibility and plan implementation issues.


Goals and Objectives of the Course

The goals of the course are:


1. students interested in aspects of planning will be able to discuss/explain the theory, legal foundations, and practice of planning for non-urban regions of the U.S.
2. students will develop methods of solving problems by applying their learned knowledge to a real-world planning problem and develop as well as present in a professional manner appropriate plans and implementation strategies.


Assessment Measures

Assessment of the student's success in the course is based on the grades of a final examination, the applied project, and other assignments. The applied planning project should demonstrate a student's ability to analyze data, perceive spatial relationships, and develop alternative solutions and appropriate implementation strategies. Students taking this course for graduate credit will be evaluated on the basis of the above criteria and on the evaluation of an additional research paper on the theoretical foundations of planning for non-metropolitan areas.


Other Course Information

Date Action Approval

February, 2010