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GEOS 496

GEOS 496: Senior Capstone Project

Prerequisite: Senior standing for majors and certificate students in geospatial science, or permission of the instructor.

Credit Hours: (3)

An individual or group project that applies the knowledge and skills obtained in any of the concentrations in the geography major. Required of all GEOG majors.


Detailed Description of Content of Course

The course is designed as a capstone course for geography majors. A self-initiated or directed individual or group project (depending, in part, upon a given semester’s enrollment) is designed and implemented by the students. The type of project and the format in which results are presented are determined by the student, but must be appropriate to their stated interests and course of studies. A final written report, with suitable geographic graphics, and an oral/video presentation are required.


Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

Students design, initiate and implement their projects. Faculty serve primarily as facilitators. Depending on the interests and career goals of the student, the project may consist of archival work, field research, or hands-on applications of geographic methods. When feasible, arrangements are made with local agencies or businesses to conduct projects useful to them.


Goals and Objectives of the Course

Students will demonstrate that they have acquired the knowledge, skills, and perspective to contribute professionally to the understanding, explanation, and/or resolution of geographic problems. They will demonstrate:

  • a mastery of the fundamental content of geography
  • good writing skills
  • the ability to compile and use appropriate graphics
  • the ability to abstract and present orally the results of a project
  • the ability to establish and meet project deadlines


Assessment Measures

Students will be graded on the design and implementation of a meaningful project, their meeting the schedule they set for themselves, the quality of the written report and its graphics, and the oral/video presentation.


Other Course Information

Honor Code:

By accepting admission to Radford University, each student makes a commitment to understand, support, and abide by the University honor code without compromise or exception. This class will be conducted in strict observance of the honor code. Refer to your student handbook for details.


Approval and Review

September 2005 Reviewed Bernd H. Kuennecke

February, 2010

Revised: March 20, 2012

April 27, 2017