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HLTH 320

HLTH 320: Health and Safety

Credit Hour(s): 3

Prerequisites: None

This course details safety behaviors for Health and Human Performance Professionals. In addition, it provides information on ways to respond to a variety of emergencies. Students can earn CPR and AED certification at the Basic Life Support Level and Comprehensive First Aid with appropriate scores on tests, demonstrations, and simluation exercises. This course provides information beyond certification.

Detailed Description of Course

This course will address:
1) Safety foundations and precautions for HHP professionals
2) Accident forms
3) Protecting yourself and your business/school/clinic - legal aspects
4) Deciding to act in an emergency / responding to an emergency
5) What to do before giving care, victim assessment
6) Understanding the human body
7) Checking the person
8) Cardiac emergencies / Using oxygen in a cardiac emergency / breathing emergencies
9) Bleeding and shock
10) Soft tissue injuries and musculoskeletal injuries
11) Injuries to the extremities, head, neck, spine, chest, abdomen, and pelvis
12) Sudden illness, poisoning
13) Bites and stings
14) Substance use and misuse
15) Heat & Cold related injuries
16) Water related emergencies
17) Emergency childbirth (optional)
18) Disaster, remote, and wilderness emergencies

Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

Course information will be presented through a wide variety of teaching methods that may include, but are not limited to: Lecture, video, discussion, simulation exercises, student presentations, decision making, self-appraisals, peer teaching/assessment, student demonstrations.

Goals and Objectives of the Course

1) Identify and resolve safety issues in the physical education classroom, gym, field, training room, sport facility, or clinic (VA Code 8VAC20-543-330-4b).

2) Describe injury prevention and liability issues in class, during activities, in the gym, in the classroom, during games or at sporting events, or in other related physical activities (VA Code 8VAC20-543-330-4b)

3) Describe safety and emergency care (first aid, CPR, AED, universal precautions) fro the Health and Physical Education classroom (VA Code 8VAC20-543-330-53).

4) Identify emergencies and describe ways to act appropriately at the scene.

5) Demonstrate the ability to perform scene, primary, and secondary surveys. (CAATE AC-4).

6) Describe how to minimize the risk of disease transmission when giving care in a situation that involves bodily fluids.

7) Describe the difference between expressed consent and implied consent.

8) Describe situations where moving victims is necessary and how to move them.

9) Describe how to check for life-threatening conditions in an adult, child and infant.

10) List the signs, describe care, and describe the role of CPR in a heart attack.

11) Demonstrate how to perform CPR for an adult, child, infant.

12) Describe and demonstrate how to perform CPR and use an AED to care for an adult, child, and infant in cardiac arrest (CAATE AC-13).

13) Demonstrate and describe the care for adults, children, and infants who may be experiencing respiratory distress, respiratory arrest, or choking.

14) Describe, demonstrate and provide a rationale for controlling minor and severe external bleeding using direct pressure, pressure points, and tourniquets (CAATE AC-19).

15) Select and use the appropriate procedure for managing external hemorrhage (CAATE AC-20).

16) Explain aseptic or sterile techniques, approved sanitation methods, and universal precatutions used in the cleaning, closure, and dressing of wounds (CAATE AC-21)

17) Describe care for closed and open wounds.

18) List the signs of an infected wound and describe how to prevent infection.

19) Describe how to care for heat (thermal), chemical, electrical and radiation burns of different degrees.

20) Describe the general care for musculoskeletal injuries including limbs and extremities; head, neck, and spinal injuries; head, neck, face, and lower back; abdominal and pelvic injuries.

21) Demonstrate how to effectively immobilize injured extremities by using anatmoic, soft, and rigid splints; and slings and binders.

22) Explain why injuries to the chest, abdomen and pelvis can be fatal.

23) Recognize signs and describe care for individuals experiencing fainting, diabetic emergencies (hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia, ketoacidosis), seizures, shock, and stroke (CAATE AC-36a, h, k, and l).

24) Describe signs and care for poisoning, anaphylaxis, bites, stings, and substance overdoses.

25) Demonstrate the use of an auto-injectable epinephrine in the management of allergic anaphylaxis. Decide when auto-injectable epinephrine use is warranted based on a patient's condition (CAATE AC-35).

26)  Describe signs, prevention, and care for dehydration, heat cramps, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, frostbite, and hypothermia.

27) Describe how to recognize a water emergency involving a distressed swimmer or a drowning victim and how to care for such individuals.

28) Describe the signs and care for common illnesses and injuries in children and the elderly.

29) Explain how to communicate with and assist a child, an elderly person, a person with a physical disability or mental impairment, and person who speaks a different language.

30) Describe how to assist during an emergency childbirth (optional)

31) Adapt the emergency action steps, care, and special consideration of an injured or ill person in disaster situations, and in wilderness and other remote locations.

32) Explain the indications, guidelines, and proper techniques to evaluate and use necessary supplies to open airways, and/or stabilize an athlete's injured body part. (CAATE AC-8)

33) Score at least an 80% on all written exams.

34) Demonstrate all skills correctly.


Assessment Measures

Assessment measures may include but are not limited to the following: Tests/quizzes (online and in class), presentations, assignments, demonstrations, attendance and participation, simulation exercises.

Other Course Information

Online registration and fee required for certification


Review and Approval

April 7, 2016