HLTH 325: Diversity of Health in the United States
Pre or Co-requisite: HLTH 300
Credit Hours: (3)
Discusses health-related inequalities and controversies related to the health of priority
populations in the United States. This course may be used to meet requirements for
the minor in Women’s Studies.
Detailed Description of Content of the Course
This course provides students with an understanding of health issues for minority
and other populations in the United States. A Health Education Specialist must understand
diversity in health and health-related inequalities and inequities among different
population groups. This course will provide insight into how selected populations
view health, use health resources, and are affected differently by diseases and disabilities
than other groups. It will also discuss approaches to address inequalities and inequities
in health behaviors, health status, and access to healthcare.
Detailed Description of Conduct of Course
Students shall gain knowledge through lecture, group discussion, and service learning.
Goals and Objectives
Upon successful completion of the course, students shall be able to:
1) Describe the importance of understanding cultural diversity for promotion of health.
2) Examine the health, health-related behaviors, health beliefs, access to care and
health-seeking behaviors among various populations of interest.
3) Use models of community assessment and diagnosis.
4) Examine the health of rural and urban populations, and prioritize health concerns
for these groups of the population.
5) Identify community-based agencies that focus on health issues of specific priority
6) Describe how existing programs use culturally-appropriate strategies and materials
to best serve priority populations.
Assessment Measures
Student learning will be assessed through one or more of the following methods:
* Exams
* Group assignments
* Projects
* Presentations
Other Course Information
Review and Approval
April 2006 reviewed by Beverly Zeakes
July, 2010
April 13, 2012 Revised
May, 2011
March 30, 2017