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HLTH 453

HLTH 453: Human Sexuality

Prerequisites: 56 credit hours, HLTH 200 or HLTH 111

Credit Hours: (3)

A study of information, education and communication about human sexuality as it relates to people in our society. This course may be used to meet requirements for the minor in Women’s Studies.


Detailed Description of Content of Course

This course will discuss the diversity of sexuality in American society and in societies around the world.  The course will include discussion on issues such as love, communication, sexual expression, sexual orientation, STDs, contraception, and reproduction.


Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

Students will gain knowledge through lecture, group discussions, and projects.


Goals and Objectives of the Course

At the end of the course, students shall be able to:

- Describe different perspectives on human sexuality

- Differentiate between ideology of prominent sex researchers, and illustrate a basic understanding of the types of research studies.

- Identify structures in male and female anatomy, and describe the physiological function of the reproductive systems of males and females.

- Discuss the role of genetics, societal influence and parental influence on gender and gender roles.

- Compare and contrast intersexuality, transexuality, and transgenderism.

-  Describe sexual expression across the lifespan.

- Utilize communication in relationships.

- Compare the effectiveness of contraceptive methods.

- Outline the process of conception, pregnancy, and childbirth.

- Describe common sexual difficulties and treatments.

- Differentiate between causes, symptoms, and treatments of sexually transmitted infections.

- Identify and describe incidences of sexual violence and aggression.


Assessment Measures

Student learning shall be assessed using one or more of the following methods:

1. Exams

2. Assignments

3. Projects

4. Presentations


Other Course Information



Review and Approval

September 2001 Reviewed Gib Darden

May, 2011

Revised: April 13, 2012