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HSCI 485

HSCI 485: Capstone Project I

Credit Hours: 3 credits

Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.
Prerequisites: HSCI 300 and HSCI 395.

Note(s): Applied Learning designated course.

Catalog Description

Health-related concepts and applications are integrated through systematic examination of a selected topic. The relevant literature is evaluated and used to develop a capstone project. This course is the first part of a two-semester project.

Course Content


Professional Goals

Health Sciences Research Topic – Project Focus

Research Question – PICOT

Literature Review Databases, Keywords, and Search Strategy

Literature Abstract Review and Selection

Literature Review Tables-Extraction

Spring Break

Literature Review Tables – Extraction and Synthesis

Literature Review Document Outline

Capstone Project Proposal Goals

Literature Review Draft and Capstone Project Proposal Action Plan Methodology

Capstone Project Proposal Action Plan Timeline

Literature Review Document Revisions and Capstone Project Proposal Action Plan Budget

Literature Review Final and Capstone Project Proposal Slides

Capstone Project Proposal Final Presentation

Detailed Description of Conduct of Course


This is an online, distance learning, course organized around student-centered learning modules, experiential activities, films/videos, lecture, case studies, guest speakers, and individual investigation of published literature. This is not a self-paced course, students are required to complete weekly course content. Students are required to attend three synchronous sessions throughout the semester.

Student Learning Outcomes

After successfully completing this course, students will be able to:

  1. Perform literature searches to identify appropriate articles and data related to the selected topic.
  2. Evaluate literature related to the selected topic.
  3. Develop methods for the capstone project.
  4. Deliver a written and oral presentation of the related literature and capstone project methodology.

Assessment Measures


Assessment measures may include a range of strategies such as attendance and required hour attainment, hour logs, weekly assignments, journal entries, independent and group projects project reports, presentations, self and mentor evaluations, discussion boards, quizzes, exams, papers, research reports, annotations, virtual trainings training, case-studies, and online survey tools.

Other Course Information


The instructor or record will update the course as new materials become available.

Review and Approval

March 01, 2021

Revised June, 2023