ITEC 282
Spreadsheet Practicum
1. Catalog Entry
ITEC 282
Spreadsheet Practicum
Credit hours (1)
This course is a one hour class focused on reinforcing the skills learned in ITEC 281. The course consists strictly of problem solving and will aid in the building of competence in using spreadsheets for the purpose of future classes, industry and for preparing for spreadsheet certification exams. This course is only taught pass/fail.
2. Detailed Description of Course
The course will have students do projects using the following spreadsheet skills:
1) Create and manage worksheets and workbooks
a. Create worksheets and workbooks
b. Navigate through worksheets and workbooks
c. Format worksheets and workbooks
d. Customize options and views for worksheets and workbooks
e. Configure worksheets and workbooks to print or save
2) Create cells and ranges
a. Insert data in cells and ranges
b. Format cells and ranges
c. Order and group cells and ranges
3) Create tables
a. Create a table
b. Modify a table
c. Filter and sort a table
4) Apply formulas and functions
a. Utilize cell ranges and references in formulas and functions
b. Summarize data with functions
c. Utilize conditional logic in functions
d. Format and modify text with functions
5) Create charts and objects
a. Create a chart
b. Format a chart
c. Insert and format an object
6) Manage and share workbooks
a. Track changes, manage comments, identify errors, troubleshoot with tracing,
display all changes, retain all changes
7) Apply custom formats and layouts
a. Apply advanced conditional formatting and filtering
b. Prepare a workbook for internationalization and accessibility
8) Create advanced formulas
a. Look up data with functions
b. Apply advanced date and time functions
9) Create advanced charts and tables
a. Create advanced chart elements
b. Create and manage PivotTables
3. Detailed Description of Conduct of Course
As a practicum the course will be entirely based on projects covering the topics listed in section 2. The content may be delivered in either a traditional lecture class or in an online format.
The course grade will be on a pass/fail basis and will be determined entirely on the quality of the workbooks submitted for the projects assigned.
4. Goals and Objectives of the Course
This course is a practicum. Upon the completion of the course students shall have demonstrated competence in doing the following with spreadsheets:
1) Create and manage worksheets and workbooks
2) Create cells and ranges
3) Create tables
4) Apply formulas and functions
5) Create charts and objects
6) Manage and share workbooks
7) Apply custom formats and layouts
8) Create advanced formulas
9) Create advanced charts and tables
10)Create output appropriate for the
11)Select the appropriate functions to analyze data sets
12)Develop custom formulas based on output needs
5. Assessment Measures
Students will be assessed on the spreadsheets they submit for the projects assigned. The course will be graded pass/fail.
6. Other Course Information
Review and Approval
June 20, 2015