I. Course Title: Cloud Database Architecture
II. Course Number: ITEC 443
III. Credit Hours: 3 credits
IV. Prerequisites: ITEC 340 (C or better).
V. Course Description:
Hands-on, activity-based study of purpose-built, cloud-native databases emphasizing NoSQL models. Introduces cloud computing concepts and principles through the study of Amazon database services including relational databases: RDS and Aurora, and non-relational databases: DynamoDB, DocumentDB, ElastiCache, Neptune, and QLDB.
VI. Detailed Description of Content of the Course:
Topics include:
1. Cloud computing concepts and principles
2. NoSQL non-relational database models
3. Multi-database application design
4. Purpose-Built, Cloud-Native databases
VI. Detailed Description of Conduct of Course:
Blended delivery combines video lectures, online resources, class discussion, and hands-on learning activities to build skills and reinforce concepts and principles through the study of database systems. Students design and develop database applications on a cloud platform.
VII. Goals and Objectives of the Course:
Students who complete the course will be able to:
VIII. Assessment Measures:
Evaluations may include but are not limited to assignments, projects, papers, presentations, quizzes, and examinations.
Other Course Information: None
Review and Approval
March 01, 2021