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ITEC 695

ITEC 695: Practicum in Data and Information Management: Capstone Project

Prerequisites: ITEC 541 and ITEC 542, admission into the Data and Information Management program, or permission of instructor

Credit hours (1-6)

This course provides students in the Data and Information Management program an opportunity to conduct research or develop a project in the data and information management field under the direction of ITEC faculty members.  Results of the applied project will be formally presented at the end of each semester. This course may be taken more than once for credit but no more than 6 hours may be applied to the degree.

Detailed Description of Course

To be determined by the student(s), the project advisor(s), and the instructor. Each student will submit a project proposal. Project proposals are to be submitted two weeks before the end of the semester preceding the semester when the work will begin. Proposals must be approved by the Department of Information Technology Graduate Curriculum Committee.

Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

Each section of ITEC 695 will have one instructor. Each student will have a project advisor. Each student will design, implement, and test a substantial component of an information system. Multiple students may work together to develop an information system involving multiple components.  

Goals and Objectives of the Course

To be determined by the student(s), the project advisor(s), and the instructor.

Assessment Measures

Assessment will include significant individual evaluation of both conceptual and applied knowledge and skills. 

Other Course Information



Review and Approval

May 1, 2018
April 23, 2014