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ITEC 698

ITEC 698: Directed Study in Information Technology

Prerequisites: Permission of Graduate ITEC Faculty.

Credit Hours: (1-4)

Directed Study courses are designed to provide graduate students an opportunity to investigate independently specific problems or areas of interest under the direction of a graduate faculty member. The content of the course will vary with each offering and requires the approval of the supervising professor, advisor, department chairperson, and the Graduate Dean. See refer to detail policies and procedures outlined in the catalog.


Detailed Description of Content of Course

The Directed Study is a course designed by the student after thorough consultation with the professor who will supervise the study. The policies and procedures outlined in the catalog for directed studies will be followed.


Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

Independent study


Goals and Objectives of the Course

Will de defined by the student in consultation with the professor who will supervise the study.


Assessment Measures

The directed study will be graded on an A/F basis. The assessment measures will be detailed in the approved directed study proposal.


Other Course Information
