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DSNI 205

DSNI 205: Sophomore Studio II

Prerequisites: DSN 220, DSNI 200 and DSNI 202; 2.5 in-major GPA; passing Basic Skills Assessment

Credit Hours: (3) Six hours studio

A continuation of Sophomore Studio I. This course is the application of the design process, with emphasis on schematic design to small-scale interior design problems.

Detailed Description of Course

The student is guided through the design process to develop solutions to small-scale interior design problems. Schematic design process [i.e., concept development, space planning, spatial visualization] and the application of critical thinking skills are emphasized. Topics include: integration of human factors in design; concept development; two- and three-dimensional spatial studies [e.g., could include orthographics, axonometrics, perspectives and/or models]; identification of client/user needs; codes; and presentation development. This class also provides:

1) Opportunities to solve simple to complex design problems. (4f)
2) Opportunities for innovation and creative thinking and opportunities to develop critical listening skills. (4h, 4i)

Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

The primary mode of instruction will consist of in-class studio work on projects along with lecture,  in-class discussion, and critique.

Goals and Objectives of the Course

As a result of this course, the student will learn:

1. To apply the theories of human behavior. (3b)
2. To identify and define relevant aspects of a design problem (goals, objectives, performance criteria). (4a)
3. To synthesize information and generate multiple concepts and/or multiple design responses to programmatic requirements.  (4d)
4. To demonstrate creative thinking and originality through presentation of a variety of ideas, approaches, and concepts. (4e)
5. To apply a variety of communication techniques and technologies appropriate to a range of purposes and audiences. (6a)
6. To express ideas clearly in oral and written communication, to use sketches as a design and communication tool (ideation drawings), to produce competent presentation drawings across a range of appropriate media, and to integrate oral and visual material to present ideas clearly. (6b, 6c, 6d, 6f)
7. To effectively apply the elements, principles, and theories of design to three-dimensional design solutions and to discuss spatial definition and organization. (9b, 9c)
8. To demonstrate an understanding of color principles, theories, and systems and the interaction of light and color and the impact they have on one another and interior environments. (10a, 10b)
9. To understand that design solutions affect and are impacted by vertical circulation systems. (13f)
10. To select and apply appropriate federal, state/provincial, and local codes, standards, and accessibility guidelines. (14g, 14h, 14i)

Assessment Measures

Studio assignments and projects, including problem solving exercises, process drawings, presentation and critiques, will assess the students’ knowledge of their ability to apply the problem solving process.

Other Course Information

Review and Approval
March 2010