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LATN 460

LATN 460: Special Topics

Prerequisite: LATN 350 and junior standing

Credit Hours: (3 or 4) Three or four hours lecture

Advanced study of topics in language, literature, or culture. Readings in Latin. May be taken twice for credit.


Detailed Description of Content of Course

This course will provide the opportunity for the study of authors, genres, periods, or topics not covered in already existing Latin courses, - e.g., Medieval Latin. Basic readings will be in Latin. Specific details concerning textbook(s) and content will depend on the individual author or topic chosen for study whenever the course is taught.

Course content must be approved by the department's Curriculum Committee each time the course is taught.


Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

Details of course conduct will depend on the individual topic. Basic readings will be done in Latin, translated, and discussed. Other topics for class discussion will include relevant background (literary, historical, cultural), literary techniques employed by the writer(s), and grammatical and syntactical peculiarities of the particular era or author(s) concerned. In addition to class discussion and presentation of information by the instructor, students may be required to give oral reports on some of the pertinent background information. Where appropriate, illustrations from art and architecture of a relevant period will be used. For Medieval Latin, music employing Latin texts will be played for the class - e.g., selections from the Carmina Burana and Gregorian chant.


Goals and Objectives of the Course

Specific details will depend upon the topics; however, the course will, in general, aim to provide additional experience in reading Latin, appreciating Latin literature, and acquiring some knowledge of historical or cultural background relevant to the topic.


Assessment Measures

(1) Hour-exams (two to three) and final exam - translating and commenting upon passages discussed in class; literary devices and, if poetry, metrical scansion; sight translation.
(2) Oral report(s) and/or research paper.
(3) Informal evaluation of class work and preparation for class.


Other Course Information

This course will be offered primarily for Latin minors and students preparing to teach Latin.


Approval and Subsequent Reviews
September 2005 Reviewed Philip Sweet