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MKTG 446

MKTG 446: Marketing Research

Prerequisites: STAT 200 and MKTG 340

Credit Hours: (3)

The uses and applications of marketing research in the marketing management decision process employing a project-oriented approach to engage students in all aspects of the marketing research process, from problem definition through management recommendations.

Note(s): Applied Learning designated course.

Detailed Description of Content of the Course

Successful marketing requires a firm to understand and satisfy the wants, needs, and desires of its market constituencies. To do this successfully a firm needs data that is relevant, timely, and accurate. This data must also be transformed into information that is actionable in terms of marketing decision-making. The combination of collecting data and transforming it into information takes place during the marketing research process.

This course covers the following topics:

• The marketing research process and its uses in organizations
• Problem identification and definition
• Research design Attitude, behavior and opinion measurement
• Questionnaire design and development
• Sampling
• Data analysis
• Written and oral communication of research findings, conclusions, and recommendations
• Ethical considerations in marketing research

Detailed Description of Conduct of the Course

This course emphasizes an applied approach with practical applications that give students a solid understanding of the field of marketing research. In addition to being responsible for learning text material, students are required to design and execute a semester-long research project of manageable size, by developing a research proposal, designing data collection instruments (e.g. surveys), collecting and analyzing data, and preparing and presenting both oral and written reports of their research findings, and recommendations.

Goals and Objectives of the Course

At the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

• demonstrate each of the stages of the marketing research process, as well as the role of marketing research in an organization
• identify a managerial problem and translate it into a research problem
• differentiate between different types of research designs and know when to apply each type
• identify the different levels of data and measurement and how to appropriately apply each type
• design and develop effective questionnaires
• choose an appropriate sampling strategy and be able to calculate an appropriate sample size
• choose the appropriate analysis technique and be able to analyze data using a statistical software program
• interpret the results of data analyses
• derive recommended courses of action based on research findings
• professionally communicate marketing research results, orally and in writing

Assessment Measures

Assessment of the student's success in the course is based on performance on exams, the research project, experiential activities, and participation

Other Course Information

Review and Approval

12-01-2006, reviewed and approved by the Dept. of Marketing faculty

11-04-2011, reviewed, revised and approved by the Department of Marketing faculty

March 20, 2012 Revised

March 01, 2021