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MKTG 612

MKTG 612: Global Market Research

Prerequisites: MBA status or permission of instructor

Credit Hours: (3)

Provides MBA students an opportunity to participate in international market research.  Students conduct an in-depth analysis of foreign markets to determine market potential and to develop strategies for Virginia firms to enter or expand specific markets. 


Detailed Description of Content of the Course

The purpose of GMR is to provide MBA students an opportunity to participate in international market research. Students conduct an in-depth analysis of foreign markets to determine market potential and to develop strategies for Virginia firms to enter or expand specific markets.


Detailed Description of Conduct of the Course

Firms are selected by Virginia Department of Economic Development in consultation with the GMR faculty advisor. GMR advisor and students meet to define requirements for the GMR project and to establish schedule of activities to be accomplished. GMR advisor and students meet with managers of client firms to discuss objectives and expectations of the client firm. Extensive market research and analysis is conducted by MBA students. Students identify markets and analyze client firms' capabilities to enter foreign markets. Students prepare report for client firms based on the research and analysis of foreign markets and client firms capabilities. The report includes identification and recommendation of foreign markets with strong business potential, market entry strategies, and product distribution channels. Results of the research, analysis and recommendations by the consulting team are submitted to the client firms, by an oral presentation and a detailed written report.


Goals and Objectives of the Course

To recommend a foreign market with strong business potential and to develop market entry strategies for specific Virginia firms.


Assessment Measures

Assessment of student success in the course is determined by their final report.


Other Course Information


Review and Approval

November 2004, reviewed and approved by the Dept. of Management and Marketing faculty