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MATH 261

I. Course Title: Linear Algebra Computer Lab

II. Course Number: MATH 261

III. Credit Hours: 1 credit

IV. Prerequisites: MATH 260 Introductory Linear Algebra

      Corequisites: MATH 260 Introductory Linear Algebra

V. Course Description: 

This course will reinforce and apply key concepts of MATH 260 Introductory Linear Algebra, specifically in situations where the problems are too large to do by hand and require use of a linear algebra software package such as Matlab. Topics include matrix and vector operations, solving large linear systems, least squares solutions, applications of linear algebra, and elementary computer programming concepts.

VI. Detailed Description of Content of the Course:

This course will reinforce and apply key concepts of MATH 260 Introductory Linear Algebra, specifically in situations where the problems are too large to do by hand and require use of a linear algebra software package such as Matlab. It will include the following topics:

  1. Elementary programming concepts, such as array handling and control structures such as if-then statements and for and while loops
  2. Matrix and vector operations
  3. Gaussian elimination and solutions of large linear systems, including solutions by matrix factorization
  4. Least squares solutions to overdetermined systems
  5. Applications of matrix systems, such as Markov chains, network flow, or computer graphics.  

VI. Detailed Description of Conduct of Course:

The class will meet in a computer lab so that students may apply the concepts they learn in MATH 260 and extend them to problems too large to solve by hand. Students will spend most of the time in class writing code to solve linear algebra problems.   

VII. Goals and Objectives of the Course:

Students will be able to:

  1. Understand basic programming concepts such as for loops and if-then statements
  2. Use a computer linear algebra software package such as Matlab to solve problems involving operations of large matrices
  3. Apply linear algebra concepts learned in MATH 260 to real-world systems.

VIII. Assessment Measures:

Graded tasks will largely focus on individually authored programming assignments in a linear algebra software package such as Matlab. These may include homework, quizzes, written exams, group projects, and written or oral class participation.

Review and Approval

August 2020