MUSC 346
Catalog Entry
MUSC 346. Methods and Literature for School Bands
Three Hours lecture/laboratory.
Prerequisites: Completion of Music 220 with a minimum grade of “C”
Completion of Music 354 with a minimum grade of “C”
A survey of instructional methods and literature for beginning, intermediate and advanced school bands. Includes curriculum planning, rehearsal techniques, performance practices for various style periods and cultures. At least 6 hours of observation/participation in public school music classes and participation in Lab Band as conductor-teacher and performer is required.
Detailed Description of Content of Course
1. Methods
a. Standards
i. National Standards for Arts Education (Music)
ii. Virginia Standards of Learning (SOLs) for Music and for other subjects
iii. Other published curricula for instrumental music
b. Teaching musicianship
i. Tonal concept/quality of sound
ii. Teaching instrumental technique
iii. Teaching sight reading
iv. Assessment of student learning
c. Rehearsal techniques
i. Warm-up procedures
ii. Full ensemble rehearsals
iii. Sectional rehearsals
iv. Small ensembles
v. Group lessons
vi. Individual instruction
vii. Accompanying
viii. Working with voices
d. Personnel matters
i. Motivation, classroom management, and discipline
ii. Recruitment and retention
iii. Auditions and placement
iv. Participation/inclusion
v. Ensemble balance
vi. Seating plans
vii. Individual differences among children (economic, social, racial, ethnic, religious, physical, and mental)
e. Scheduling concerns
i. Rehearsals
ii. Sectionals
iii. Lessons
iv. Performances
v. Summer music programs
f. Material concerns
i. Floor plan
ii. Risers
iii. Storage
iv. Office equipment
v. Technology
vi. Supplies
vii. Music
viii. Folders
ix. Performance attire
g. General acoustics and instrumental acoustics
h. Instructional technology and other teaching aids
i. Legal and ethical issues
i. Copyright law
ii. Uses of technology
iii. Identifying values (historical, philosophical, sociological) that guide educational choices
iv. Equal access issues (economic, social, racial, ethnic, religious, physical, and mental)
v. Other
2. Literature for school bands
a.. Method books
b. Materials for sight reading
c. Literature resources
i. State graded lists and other published lists of literature
ii. Publisher’s catalogs and promotional recordings
iii. Internet resources
iv. Professional journal reviews
v. Workshops, clinics, and conventions
vi. Recommendations of colleagues
vii. Concert programs
viii. Other
d Analyzing and selecting music for instrumental solos, small and large ensembles.
i. Age/experience level
ii. Technical requirements.
iii. Quality
iv. Historical genres
(a) Original works
(b) Transcriptions
v. Styles and style periods
vi. Forms (ABA, sonata, theme and variations, etc.)
vii. Music of diverse cultures, both Western and non-Western
e. Non-performance curricular criteria (theoretical/historical concepts, etc.).
f. Non-curricular factors (programming, cost, etc.)
g. Sequencing of music and pedagogical materials
i. Beginning ensembles
ii. Intermediate ensembles
iii. Advanced ensembles
Detailed Description of Conduct of Course
The course includes reading and listening assignments, discussion, lecture, papers, score analysis, projects, student presentations, construction of a database of instrumental music literature, performance of basic level piano accompaniments to instrumental solos, exams, and peer teaching exercises.
Goals and Objectives of the Course.
At the conclusion of the course, the student will:
1. Describe and/or demonstrate effective instrumental instruction methods for students in Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced bands including:
a Addressing state and national standards in rehearsal
b Teaching musicianship through tonal concepts, instrumental technique, and sight reading
c Rehearsal techniques
d Personnel matters, such as auditions and placement, motivation, recruitment and retention, balance, seating plans, and individual differences among children
e Scheduling concerns for rehearsals, sectionals, lessons, performances and summer music programs
f Material concerns, such as risers, storage, music folders, and performance attire
g General and instrumental acoustics
h Instructional technology and other teaching aids
i Legal and ethical issues
2. Describe and demonstrate ways to
a Locate and purchase instrumental music literature
b Assemble a database of instrumental music literature in a wide range of genres, styles, historical periods, and cultures (Western and non-Western) appropriate for use in school band programs at beginning and intermediate levels
c Evaluate and select program materials which meet curricular and non-curricular performance for instrumental music
Assessment Measures
Assessment will include written tests, peer teaching, projects and presentations, assembly of a reference notebook, and construction of a database of instrumental music literature.
Other Course Information
Approval and Subsequent Reviews
Revised February, 2009