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MUSC 455

MUSC 455

Catalog Entry

MUSC455. Madrigal Singers
Three hours rehearsal (1).

Prerequisite: Audition.

Performs primarily a capella literature from the Renaissance through the 20 th century. A high degree of personal musicianship, discipline and vocal ability is required. A maximum of four credits may be used to meet the large ensemble requirements for music majors. May be taken again for credit.


Detailed Description of Content of Course

Madrigal Singers is a highly select ensemble whose members are selected by competitive audition each year. Returning members are required to audition each year. The audition consists of both an individual and call-back sectional audition. During three hours of rehearsal each week the participants experience selected advanced literature primarily from the Renaissance and early Baroque periods first hand. During the process of learning this literature for public performance, the students will also work on techniques of vocal production, pronunciation of many foreign languages as well as elements of music literacy. Members are encouraged to study voice while they are enrolled. This ensemble is the primary performing group for the annual Madrigal Dinner.


Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

This course is primarily a performance laboratory, it will include demonstration, some lecture and small group work; but mostly the participants will be actively involved in learning the literature at hand. Students will learn the current music without piano accompaniment. The choir often focuses on a cappella literature of the Renaissance and Twentieth Century. Emphasis is placed upon developing the personal musicianship of each individual to a level which would facilitate artistic expression. The highest standard of ensemble discipline is required with students expected to mark pertinent instructions in their scores, as well as work at difficult passages and memorization outside of rehearsal.


Goals and Objectives of the Course

The successful participant will leave the ensemble with enhanced performance skills, enhanced language skills, strengthened self-confidence and a heightened aesthetic sensitivity to music and other arts. Performance at a more advanced level of musical and technical ability is expected of students registered for graduate credit.


Assessment Measures

Grades are based upon class attendance, conditional upon your active participation; participation in all scheduled rehearsals, and attendance at concerts.

a. Scale: Cuts vs. Grade

  • 0-3 A
  • 4 D
  • 6 F (dropped from group)

b. NOTE - no cuts allowed during the two weeks of rehearsal prior to performance. Cutting during this period will result in a F for the semester. Failure to attend a scheduled performance results in an F.
c. EXCUSES Hospitalization

  • Doctor-ordered bed rest
  • Death in immediate family
  • Written confirmation is required with 1 week of the above.

The use of alcohol or drugs prior to concerts or rehearsals is prohibited. By accepting admission to Radford University, each student makes a commitment to understand, support, and abide by the University Honor Code without compromise or exception. Violations of academic integrity will not be tolerated. This class will be conducted in strict observance of the Honor Code. Refer to your Student Handbook for details.


Other Course Information



You are responsible for the care of your music. This includes replacement of lost/stolen music/materials. If all music and materials are not turned in at the end of the semester a grade of I will be awarded. The grade will be changed when the materials are returned or paid for. I's revert to F's if not cleared.


Choral Outfits


Women: white blouse, black skirt. Tour dress possibility discussed at a later date.

Men: black tuxedo, white, wing-collared shirt, red band bow-tie and cumberband. Discount purchases of new items will be available as well as a limited number of rental outfits. Information sheet will be distributed.



Approval and Subsequent Reviews

May 2006 Reviewed E. Fellin, Chairman