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MUSC 492

MUSC 492

Catalog Entry

MUSC 492. Computer Music Project
Credit Hours (2).

Four hours laboratory

Pre-requisites: MUSC 128; MUSC 227; MUSC 212

After substantial inquiry into a major topic area of computer music, such as multi-media performance, sound synthesis, psycho-acoustics or existing electronic music repertoire, a written document or public performance is prepared.


Detailed Description of Content of Course

Substantial inquiry into advanced topics of computer music resulting in a written document or public performance. Specific topic will be determined in consultation with instructor.


Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

Student will prepare a paper or public presentation in consultation with the instructor.


Goals and Objectives of the Course

Students should develop the ability to articulate an advanced topic of relevance in the field of computer music verbally and through writing an extended paper, or prepare a convincing multi-media presentation lasting approximately 30 minutes.


Assessment Measures

Students will be assessed on their ability to articulate an advanced topic in the field of computer music in writing or through a multi-media presentation.


Other Course Information

Not applicable.


Approval and Subsequent Reviews

May 2006 Reviewed E. Fellin, Chairman