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MUSC 533

MUSC 533
Advanced Jazz Combo

Catalog Entry

MUSC 533.  Advanced Jazz Combo
One credit hour (1).

Prerequisite:  Audition                                       

Performance of advanced jazz literature for a jazz combo. Emphasis on composition/arranging, improvisation, development of repertory of jazz tunes for performance. Present concerts and programs throughout the year on and off campus.


Detailed Description of Course

Provides for original composition and arranging for experimental and small group performance. Advanced preparation of complex and standard jazz tunes. Improvisational opportunities that involved complex form, harmonies, and contemporary techniques.


Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

Weekly rehearsals of advanced jazz literature as well as original advanced student arrangements and compositions - complex and standard jazz tunes for “non-conducted” performance situations.


Goals and Objectives of the Course 

Advanced Combo performers will be able to:

1. Perform within the context of an improvised form (free and standard).                                                         
2. Perform all styles of traditional and modern jazz.                                                    
3. Improvise solos in all styles of traditional and modern jazz.  
4. Performance at a more advanced level of musical and technical ability is expected of students registered for graduate credit.


Assessment Measures

1. Rehearsal attendance and preparation.
2. Quality performance in rehearsals and concerts-events.


Other Course Information


Review and Approval 

February 2007