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MUSC 697

MUSC 697

Catalog Entry

MUSC697. Graduate Recital
Minimum of a one-hour recital (6).

Prerequisite: Level 10 proficiency in applied music.

The performance must cover at least three periods of music history in which music has been written for the performing medium. Includes preparation of program notes.


Detailed Description of Content of Course

In addition to preparing appropriate literature for public performance, the course will also include a study of performance techniques, practices and stage deportment.


Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

Students will take applied lessons during the semester in which they register for the course and prepare to present a formal public recital.


Goals and Objectives of the Course

Students gain experience with a formal recital setting as an optimum performing opportunity.


Assessment Measures

Each student  schedules and performs a recital hearing for his/her graduate applied music jury at least thirty days prior to the recital date. The jury determines if the required level of competency has been achieved and decides whether the recital is to take place. The final grade for the course is the average of the grade assigned by the jury and the grade assigned by the applied teacher following the recital (the applied teacher's grade weighted at 50%) as converted to pass/fail (P/F).


Other Course Information

In performance, music will cover at least three periods of music history in which music has been written for the performing medium; in Composition, the original works will employ varied instrumental media, and will include an extended work of at least ten minutes duration, employing three or more parts and at least one work which uses electronic and/or computer components as an integral part of the composition.


Approval and Subsequent Reviews

February 2007