NURS 760
Advanced Nursing Practice in Psychiatric Mental Health: Theory & Practice Across the
1. Catalog Entry
NURS 760
Advanced Nursing Practice in Psychiatric Mental Health: Theory & Practice Across the
Credit hours (3)
Prerequisites: Graduate Standing in Nursing or Permission of Instructor
Focuses on advanced psychiatric mental health nursing practice by integrating theoretical, clinical, and research knowledge related to psychotherapeutic management of acute and chronic mental health problems and psychiatric disorders.
2. Detailed Description of Course
This course focuses on advanced psychiatric mental health nursingpractice by integrating theoretical, clinical, and research knowledge related to psychotherapeutic management of acute and chronic mental health problems and psychiatric disorders. Students incorporate developmental, biopsychosocial theories, psychotherapeutic techniques, and research for individuals, families, and groups across the lifespan. Inter-professional practice in the psychiatric mental health setting is also examined.
3. Detailed Description of Conduct of Course
This online course explores and synthesizes theoreticalconcepts, therapeutic techniques and evidence-based practices through assigned readings and online lectures, individual presentations, student-directed discussions, written work, self-reflective activities, and testing with faculty engagement to reinforce concepts.
4. Goals and Objectives of the Course
Upon completion ofthe course, the student will be able to:
1. Examine the historical development of the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
(PMHNP) role.
2. Analyze ANA scope and standardsof PMHNP practice.
3. Review and apply ANA Code of Ethics.
4. Review and apply conceptual frameworks related to the development of psychopathology
across the lifespan.
5. Differentiate between categories of psychiatric disorders.
6. Identify evidence-based psychotherapeutic techniques for mental disorders.
7. Differentiate treatment modalities specific to each population.
8. Demonstrate psychiatric interviewing and assessment skills.
9. Apply concepts from the biopsychosocial model in assessing and planning treatment
for patients with mental illnesses.
5. Assessment Measures
Participation in reading and online learning, Disoussion Board postings, Reflective Journal submissions, testing,and Clinical Interview & Reaction paper to demonstrate foundntional theoretical, clinical, and resenrch knowledge rented to the PMHN role and various psychiatric treatment modalities.
6. Other Course Information
Review and Approval
May 11, 2015
March 22, 2021