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NUTR 498

NUTR 498: Independent Study

Credit Hours: (1-3)

Investigation by the student in areas of interest under the direction of an advisor.

An Independent Study course must be approved by the appropriate department curriculum committee and chairperson prior to the deadline for adding courses in the term in which the study is to be undertaken. Independent Study courses may be taken either on a pass-fail basis or for a letter grade. No student may apply more than six hours of credit for Independent Study toward graduation requirements. A faculty member may offer a maximum of six credit hours of Independent Study per semester.


Detailed Description of Content of Course

Each proposal for an Independent Study must include a description of the course's content. That description should include the primary and secondary readings that will be central features of the study, the nature and purpose of writing assignments, performances or field experience that will be a part of the study.


Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

Each proposal for an Independent Study must include a description of how the study will be conducted. This description should detail the kinds of meetings and other interaction the student and professor will have.


Goals and Objectives of the Course

The student will:


1. Provide a 150-500 word typewritten statement which includes an outline of the study;
2. Describe rationale;
3. Identify method;
4. Distinguish implications for future use; and
5. Acquire list of references in his proposal.



Assessment Measures

Each proposal for an Independent Study must include a description of how the student's performance will be evaluated.


Other Course Information

Proposals for an Independent Study should not replicate the content of an established course. They should provide opportunities for students to study and perform in ways that established courses do not permit.


Review and Approval
September 2001 Anne Alexander, Chair