I. Course Title: Asian Politics (CG)
II. Course Number: POSC 343
III. Credit Hours: 3 credits
IV. Prerequisites: None
V. Course Description:
Examination of political systems of selected Asian countries. Special emphasis on the challenges of development, democracy, and nation-building in the post-World War II era.
Note(s): Cultural or Behavioral Analysis designated course.
VI. Detailed Description of Content of the Course:
This course covers political systems across Asia from India through Southeast Asia to Japan. Students come to understand state v. market-led development strategies, democratic v. authoritarian systems in Asia, as well as the difficulties of nation-building in late states.
VI. Detailed Description of Conduct of Course:
This course provides a survey of the domestic politics of the Asian region. The course is organized into five parts.
VII. Goals and Objectives of the Course:
VIII. Assessment Measures:
Assessment measures include: 1) class participation, 2) role playing, 3) oral presentation, 4) written examinations, and 5) short papers.
Other Course Information: None
Review and Approval
June 15, 2015
March 01, 2021