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POSC 357

POSC 357
International Political Economy

Catalog Entry

POSC 357. International Political Economy. (IR)
Three hours lecture (3).

Analysis of the political impact of economic relationships among nation-states and between nation-states, subnational organizations, and supranational organizations. Topics covered include international trade, international monetary relations, imperialism, dependency, multinational corporations and the politics of natural resources.

Note(s): Cultural or Behavioral Analysis designated course. Students may not receive credit for both POSC 463 and POSC 357.


Detailed Description of Content of Course

Course content will be drawn from the following topics:


I. Historical Overview of the Modern World Economy


A. Mercantilism
B. The Rise of Capitalism
C. Imperialism
D. The Socialist Challenge
E. The New World Order


II. Contemporary Issues


A. International Trade


1. Free trade and protectionism
2. Trade issues among developed nations
3. Trade with and among developing nations


B. International Monetary Relations


1. The history of current monetary institutions
2. Important issues in monetary management
3. The international debt crisis
4. The rise of the Euro


C. North/South Issues


1. Dependency and development
2. The politics of natural resources
3. The New International Economic Order
4. The neo-liberal revival


D. The Role of Multinational Corporations


III. Dependence and Interdependence--The Impact on International Relations


A. The Decline of the Nation-State?
B. Economics and Political Power--A Reconsideration
C. Managing Interdependence



Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

This course focuses on discussion of selected texts and includes some background information provided in lectures. There is usually a textbook or reader used to address basic issues. This is supplemented by books which address specific areas in more detail.


Goals and Objectives of the Course

1. Teach students the basic vocabulary of the subfield.
2. Introduce students to the major areas of IPE and suggest discuss their impact on politics
3. Encourage the students to think about the relationship between the U.S. economy and those of the rest of the world.
4. Discuss the impact of the increasing emphasis on economics and economic interdependence on the traditional foci of international relations.


Assessment Measures

Students will have in-class and take-home essay examinations and papers analyzing arguments presented in the assigned texts. Occasionally students may be asked to keep a notebook of informal writings that focus on contemporary issues.


Other Course Information



Review and Approval

Feb.1999 Revised to reflect course content M. J. Franck, Dept. Chair

August 2020

March 01, 2021