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PSYC 470

PSYC 470: History and Systems of Psychology

Prerequisites: PSYC 121 and junior or senior status as a psychology major or minor

Credit Hours: (3)

Develops understanding of history of thought as it relates to the field of psychology. Centers on significant issues which have persisted through history and the methods used by great men and women in their efforts to grapple with these issues. Deals with the systems of psychology and contemporary theories.


Detailed Description of Content of Course

1. Research in the History of Psychology
2. Historical Bases of Psychology
3. The "schools"
4. Contemporary Theories
5. Non-American Contemporary Psychological Activity
6. Current Issues in Psychology


Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

Primarily lecture and discussion.


Goals and Objectives of the Course

1. Students will examine some of the most significant activities in the History of Psychology.
2. Students will develop an understanding of psychology in relation to its cultural heritage.
3. Students will develop an appreciation for the global nature of psychology.


Assessment Measures

Graded assignments may include in-class tests, a final examination, quizzes, the assignment and presentation of exercises, projects, and class participation.


Other Course Information

Students are encouraged to develop projects of sufficient quality that they might be submitted for publication and/or presentations at conferences.


Review and Approval

September 2001 Updated and put in new format Dr. Alastair Harris