PSYC 505: Forensic Psychology
Credit Hours: (3)
Conveys information relating to forensic psychology, including the insanity defense,
aggression, courtroom psychology, mental health aspects of criminology and the psychological
forces toward crime and delinquency.
Detailed Description of Conduct of Course
1. Forensic Psychology
2. Forensic Mental Health
3. Correctional Psychology
4. Eyewitness Testimony and Jury Behavior
5. Police Psychology
Detailed Description of Conduct of Course
Course will include formal lecture, discussion, student presentations, and hands-on
Goals and Objectives of the Course
Students will develop an in-depth knowledge of the theory and application of forensic
Assessment Measures
Graded assignments may include in-class tests, a final examination, the assignment
and presentation of exercises and projects, and class preparation and participation.
Other Course Information
Review and Approval