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PSYC 660

PSYC 660: Human Growth and Lifespan Development

Prerequisites: Graduate standing in psychology or related field

Credit Hours: (3)

Course provides a comprehensive overview of human growth. Areas covered include the developmental areas of physical, cognitive, intellectual, perceptual, information processing, language, personality, social and moral development across the life span.


Detailed Description of Content of Course

The purpose of the course is to provide research-based information on child and adolescent development and behavior. Major topics are as follows:


1. Theoretical Foundations of Development
2. Prenatal Development
3. Neonatal and Early-Infant Behavior and Capacities
4. Personality Development
5. Social and Emotional Development
6. Linguistics and Cognitive Aspects of Development
7. Physical and Motor Aspects of Development
8. Abnormal Child and Adolescent Development


Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

A lecture format supplemented by textbook assignments, discussions, films/video tapes, student presentations (oral and/or written) is utilized to engender knowledge of adolescent development and behavior.


Goals and Objectives of the Course

Students will acquire and demonstrate knowledge pertaining to:


1. Changes in concept of, and treatment of, childhood and adolescence from early history to present time.
2. The interaction of heredity and environment as developmental forces.
3. The importance of the prenatal environment as an influence on development throughout the lifespan.
4. The importance of parent/care-giver stimulation and interaction on cognitive, personality and social/emotional development of infants, children and adolescents.
5. The cognitive an intellectual capabilities of normally-developing infants, children and adolescents, and the influences on the development of such abilities.
6. The importance of the family as a factor in the adjustment, mental health and physical health of children and adolescents.
7. The importance of peers and friendships as a factor in healthy adjustment and as agents of socialization for children and adolescents.
8. The importance of school, and the school experience, on the socialization of children and adolescents.
9. The importance of the mass media as a socialization influence on children and adolescents.
10. The concept of "normal development" together with sensitivity to individual differences.


Assessment Measures

Graded assignments may include in-class tests, a final examination, pop quizzes, the assignment and presentation of exercises, research papers or projects, and class preparation and participation.


Other Course Information



Review and Approval

March 1999