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PSYC 690

PSYC 690: Seminar in Psychology

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor

Credit Hours: Variable credit, (1-3)

Presentation and discussion of current issues in various areas of psychology which are not considered in other courses. Content varies from semester to semester. A single topic or area selected by the instructor for discussion during the semester based on current student interest and developments in psychology. Previous topics have included: Cortical Bases of Behavior, Human Sexuality, Divorce Counseling, Rorschach, Computers in Personnel and Appraisal in Industry.


Detailed Description of Content of Course

The purpose of this course is to explore topics in psychology which are not included in regular course offerings. Representative topics offered in recent years are as follows:


1. Legal and Ethical Issues in Psychology
2. Job Analysis
3. Neuropsychological Assessment
4. Values in Counseling
5. Topics in Engineering Psychology
6. Psychology of Sex and Gender
7. Languages of the Brain
8. Occupational Counseling
9. Employee Assistance Counseling


Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

A seminar format is utilized with instructor and students presenting topics of relevance to the current issue being studied.


Goals and Objectives of the Course

Goals and objectives vary with instructors and topics. All are oriented toward expanding graduate students' knowledge of pertinent issues.


Assessment Measures

Graded assignments may include in-class tests, a final examination, pop quizzes, the assignment and presentation of exercises, and projects, and class preparation and participation.


Other Course Information

Computer laboratory and B.R.A.I.N.S. research facilities are used when appropriate.


Review and Approval

March 1999