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RCPT 317

RCPT 317: Adventure Programming

Prerequisite: Major in RCPT or Outdoor Recreation and Leadership minor.

Credit Hours: (3)

Instructional Method: Three hours laboratory    



Focuses on the design, implementation and leadership of adventure and programs such as climbing (indoors and outdoors), caving, canoeing, standup paddle boarding (SUP), mountain biking, and whitewater kayaking. This course involves weekly labs and some weekend field experiences.

Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

The course emphasizes the development of personal activity skills as well as teaching and leading skills. Instructional time will be divided between lecture/class discussion format and field/skill acquisition experiences.

Demonstrations and instructional videos will be employed to help develop a knowledge base. An interdisciplinary and environmental approach to teaching/leading outdoor leisure pursuits and adventure education/recreation has been incorporated into this course. This approach transcends the distinction between technical skills and facilitation/processing skills. This approach also incorporates an environmental or ecological ethic, an ethic that teaches students both the knowledge of and appreciation for the various environments in which outdoor adventure activities occur.

Student Learning Outcomes

At the completion of the course, each student will be able to:

1. Demonstrate the basic activity skills and instructional strategies necessary to teach an adventure-based activities.

2. Assist in the leadership, programming and/or administration of adventure programming.

3. State in writing a personal philosophy of outdoor leisure pursuits and/or adventure programming as it relates to personal health and well-being as well as recreation goals.

4. Experience multiple outdoor/adventure activities.

5. Create an outdoor trip log documenting personal and professional outdoor experiences.

Assessment Measures

Assessment measures may include, but are not limited to: participation in fields trips, weekly assignments, assigned homework, teaching an outdoor/adventure skill, written assignments and quizzes and exams.

Other Course Information

1. All Radford University rules and policies apply to ALL outdoor/adventure trips and activities.

2. The Recreation, Parks and Tourism department has a general course policy for outdoor/adventure activities and a risk management plan that must be adhered to by students and instructors. The general course policy and a liability waiver is shared and signed by students at the start of each course.


Review and Approval

February 2005 Reviewed Edward Udd, Chair

June 20, 2015

June, 2023