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RCPT 331

RCPT 331: Outdoor Living Skills

Prerequisites: Major in RCPT or Outdoor Recreation and Leadership minor.

Credit Hours: (3)

Instructional Method: Three hours laboratory

Focuses on skill development in outdoor living skills, logistics and safety and the implementation and leadership of outdoor activities such as camping, backpacking, orienteering, and Leave No Trace ethics.

This course involves weekly labs and some weekend field experiences.


This course focuses on outdoor living skills. Topics and activities may include: hiking, camping, backpacking, survival techniques, map and compass (orienteering), leave no trace techniques, outdoor cooking, individual and group safety, group dynamics, accessibility, the variety and types of outdoor resources, and the leadership and programming of outdoor living skills.

Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

This course emphasizes the development of outdoor living skills with an emphasis on an environmental approach. Students will learn the technical skills of outdoor living, and gain facilitation skills necessary for effective group functioning. This course also emphasizes the no-trace or wilderness ethic: that is, how to travel in the outdoors while minimizing or eliminating physical impact on the environment. The methods utilized in this course include most, if not all, of the following: lectures, case studies, labs, readings, simulations, small-group activities and discussions, guest lecturers and field trip leaders, multimedia presentations, peer group teaching/learning, and field trips.

Student Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, the student will be able to:

1. Demonstrate outdoor living skills such as outdoor cooking, map and compass skills, knot tying, camp set up and gear packing.

2. Apply the basic techniques and skills of leave-no-trace or minimum-impact camping and backpacking.

3. Identify the management problems and environmental issues facing managers of resource lands.

4. Create comprehensive trip plans that include topics such as menu planning, route planning, gear packing lists, risk management plans, budgets, permitting and additional group considerations.

Assessment Measures

Assessment measures may include, but are not limited to: participation in fields trips, weekly assignments, assigned homework, teaching an outdoor/adventure skill, written assignments and quizzes and exams.

Other Course Information

1. All Radford University rules and policies apply to ALL outdoor/adventure trips and activities.

2. The Recreation, Parks and Tourism department has a general course policy for outdoor/adventure activities and a risk management plan that must be adhered to by students and instructors. The general course policy and a liability waiver is shared and signed by students at the start of each course.



Review and Approval

November 2005 Reviewed Susan R. Van Patten, Curriculum Chair

June, 2015

June, 2023