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RCPT 417

RCPT 417: Seminar in Recreation, Parks and Tourism; Topical

Prerequisite: Junior standing

Credit Hours: (1-4) Hours and credit to be arranged

Intensive inquiry into a specific topic (i.e., urban or rural recreation, rock climbing, outdoor leadership, project adventure).

Note(s): Students may repeat course for maximum of six hours credit.


Detailed Description of Content of the Course

The focus and content of the course is determined by the instructor responsible for the topic. Emphasis is on the development of specific knowledges and understandings associated with the topic. For example, in a rock climbing seminar, the emphasis may be directed toward intermediate to beginning-advanced rock climbing and include the following topics: physical techniques of climbing; knots, anchors and rigging; rope and mechanical ascending/descending devices and techniques; trip safety, ethics and self-rescue.

While this course can be used for graduate credit, course assignment(s) associated with graduate credit is the responsibility of the faculty member responsible for the course in any given semester that the course is scheduled.

Using the above activity (rock-climbing), the graduate student, for example, would be assigned the responsibility of planning and leading a rock-climbing trip which would also incorporate the above rock-climbing topics.


Detailed Description of Conduct of the Course

The conduct of the course will vary, depending on topic and instructor. In the above rock climbing example, students would have homework readings and problems, familiarization with equipment, on-campus laboratory and field trips, including climbing exercises which would be conducted over week-ends. In addition, students would be required to fulfill a "Skills Development Contract."


Goals and Objectives of the Course

The goals and objectives of the course are determined by the topic and instructor, for example:  Project Adventure:  At the conclusion of the course, each student will be  able to:


1. Demonstrate safe and effective initiative and low element spotting techniques.
2. Perform high ropes course belays utilizing a sticht plate and standing hip belay.
3. Tie a studebaker rope sit harness utilizing thirty feet of nine millimeter rope.


Rock Climbing:

At the conclusion of the course, each student will be able to:


1. Free climb a seventy-five foot rock pitch.
2. Rappel a seventy-five foot rock pitch utilizing a figure eight descending device.
3. Perform a safe and effective rock climbing belay utilizing a sticht plate, a figure eight device and a standing or sitting hip belay.
4. For the graduate student: plan, implement, and evaluate a rock-climbing trip.


Assessment Measures

Assessment of the students' success in the course is based upon the topic and instructor. In the rock climbing example, the assessment and evaluation might very well include successful completion of the "Skills Development Contract, "written examination and practical climbing examination. For the graduate student it would also include in addition to the regular evaluation how well the rock climbing trip was planned and executed.


Other Course Information

Students may repeat course for maximum of six semester hours credit.


Review and Approval

Reviewed February 2005 Edward Udd, Chair