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RETH 480

I. Course Title: Evidence-Based Practice in Respiratory Care

II. Course Number: RETH 480

III. Credit Hours: 4 credits

IV. Prerequisites: STAT 130, HSCI 300.

V. Course Description: 

Students examine the principles of evidence-based practice in the field of respiratory therapy.  Specific topics covered include: the historical deficiencies of evidence in acute care, sources of scientific knowledge, techniques for evaluating the quality of source material, levels of scientific evidence, research methodology and strategies for the translation of new knowledge and evidence into clinical practice.

VI. Detailed Description of Content of the Course:

  • Overview of Respiratory Care Research and Ethics
  • Performing Physical Measurements in Research
  • Developing a Research Study
  • Conducting a Research Study
  • Statistical methods
  • Sampling techniques
  • Research designs
  • Reporting Clinical Research Results
  • NIH CITI Training

VI. Detailed Description of Conduct of Course:

  • Lectures (D2L)
  • Case Studies
  • Required Readings/Textbook
  • Recommended/Supplemental Readings
  • Class and Small Group Discussions
  • Presentations
  • Online Videos

VII. Goals and Objectives of the Course:

Upon the successful completion of this course, the student will

  1. Describe the history of evidence-based practice in the respiratory therapy profession.
  2. Classify sources of knowledge according to levels of scientific evidence.
  3. Locate original source material using references found in course textbooks.
  4. Recognize appropriate considerations involved with designing and planning a proposed research study.
  5. Describe the most common designs, sampling techniques, and data collection methods utilized in Respiratory Therapy research.

Program Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate critical thinking skills with a comprehensive knowledge base (cognitive skills) by assessing the patient’s condition, developing a plan of treatment, and modifying that treatment as needed so that safe and quality cardio-respiratory therapy is given.
  2. Demonstrate ethical, caring and culturally competent behaviors (affective skills) toward the patient, family members and other members of the healthcare team.
  3. Demonstrate effective professional communication.
  4. Integrate health promotion and disease prevention strategies into current healthcare practice while focusing on quality and cost-effective protocols.
  5. Use empirical, evidence-based literature to support decisions within the scientific field.
  6. Pursue graduate education in education, management, research and other healthcare related fields

VIII. Assessment Measures:

  • Voice Thread Discussions / Involvement
  • Quizzes
  • Assignments
  • Recorded Presentation
  • Literature Review / Research Proposal
  • Final Exam

Review and Approval

March 01, 2021