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SOWK 527

SOWK 527: Disability Social Work Practice

Prerequisites: For Graduate Credit: Graduate Standing or BSW student with permission of instructor

Credit Hours:  3)

Instructional Method: Online

Cross-Listed:  SOWK 427 (undergraduate credit)& SOWK 527 (graduate credit)

Note(s) : Previous course number SOWK 650. Regular graduate grading scale will be utilized

This course will provide students with specific knowledge about social work practice with people with disabilities. The course will focus on historical perspectives of disabilities, disability theory, policy exploration, and practice strategies at the generalist and clinical levels. This is a cross listed undergraduate and graduate course.

Course Content

This elective course is designed to provide students with specific knowledge about social work practice with people who have a diagnosed disability. Key themes and concepts include: historical social work practice with people who are diagnosed with a disabling condition, theories of disability to include explanatory theory and a critique of those theories, current issues/situations that affect people with a disability and practice strategies at both the generalist and clinical levels. This is a cross listed undergraduate and graduate course.


Detailed Description of Conduct of Course


This course is currently designed to be an asynchronous online course. Students should have appropriate internet access and access to a computer or laptop to complete assignments. A variety of instructional methods may be used in this course, such as interactive lectures, group discussion and activities, possible guest speakers, teaching videos, student presentations, professional papers, and experiential exercises. Students are expected to actively participate in class sessions.

Student Learning Outcomes


Having successfully completed this course, the student will be able to:

1. Critically analyze the diverse definitions of disability (Discussion Boards)

2. Apply theoretical frameworks and disability models to practice (Week 2 Essay). For graduate credit: Apply theoretical frameworks and disability models to clinical practice

3. Identify how disability has been socially constructed historically and how

this impacts social policy, health policy, and social services. (Week 3 Policy Analysis)

4. Develop practice skills that respect diversity aimed at working with people with a range of disabilities. For undergraduate graduate credit: Clinical practice skills (Week 4 Poster Presentation).

5. Critically evaluate self-awareness regarding possible biases in practice with this population (Final Essay)

Assessment Measures


Assessment measures may include a rage of strategies such as student presetations, discussion boards, quizzes, exams, and papers (professional writing and personal reflection).

Other Course Information

Required Textbook

Mackelprang, R. W., Salsgiver, R. O., R.& Parrey, R. C. (2022). Disability: A diversity model approach in human service practice (4 th edition). Oxford University Press.


Reviewed and approved

June, 2023