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SOCY 110

SOCY 110

Introduction to Sociology (GE)

Catalog Entry

Department Prefix:  SOCY      

Course Number:  110

Course Title: Introduction to Sociology (GE)

Prerequisites:  None

Credit Hours: Three hours lecture (3)

Brief Description:  This course introduces basic concepts and methods of sociology. It presents significant research and theory in areas such as culture, social structure, socialization, deviance, social stratification and social institutions.

Note(s): General Education and Cultural or Behavioral Analysis designated course.


Detailed Description of Content of Course

1. What is Sociology?

2. Sociological Methods

3. Culture

4. Social Structure

5. Socialization

6. Social Groups and Organizations

7. Deviance

8. Social Stratification

9. Social Institutions

a. family

b. politics

c. economy

d. education

e. religion

10. Special Topic (selected in accordance with the special interests of the professor)


Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

A combination of lecture and informal discussion is used in this course. Both may focus upon the text(s) or other assigned readings, audio-visual presentations, or applicable materials drawn from media discussions of current events.


Goals and Objectives of the Course

University Core B & College Core B, Social and Behavioral Science Course:

Goal 9: Radford University students will understand how individual, social, or cultural factors influence human behavior and shape reciprocal relationships between people and society.

Radford University students will be able to:
    1) Recognize social and behavioral science concepts;
    2) Recognize the relationship between individual and socio-cultural factors that affect behaviors.

College Core A, U.S. Perspectives:
Goal 10:  Radford University students will understand how social and cultural (for example, political, historical, economic, environmental, religious, or geographic) forces shape the American experience.

Radford University students will be able to:
    1) Identify diverse influences that have shaped the American experience; and
    2) Apply course material to a relevant issue in the United States.

Assessment Measures

Students may be graded on the basis of in-class examinations--which may consist of objective and essay questions, quizzes, term papers or projects, and class attendance and participation.

Other Course Information

Informal, ungraded in-class writings may be utilized as a springboard to discussion.

Review and Approval




Reviewed By

 Jan. 1983

 Updated for semester length


 Sept. 1991


 Stephen H. Lerch, Chair

 March 1998


 Cheryl R. Tieman, Chair

 Sept. 2001


 Peggy A. Shifflett, Chair

 Nov. 2008


 Paula S. Brush, Chair

June 20, 2015

March 01, 2021