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SPAN 411

SPAN 411: Survey of Spanish Literature II

Prerequisites: Spanish 300 and Spanish 320 or equivalent

Credit Hours: (3)

Introduction to most important writers and literary movements of Spain from Neoclassicism to the Twentieth century. Taught in Spanish.


Detailed Description of Content of Course

This course will give students a comprehensive view of Spanish literature from the eighteenth-century until present. A discussion of historical and political events is followed by an analysis of important literary selections from different epochs. The order of coverage of the topics is as follows.


I. The 18th Century.

  • Introduction to Historical and Cultural Setting.
  • Concepts of Neoclassicism and Enlightenment.
  • Diego de Torres Villarroel. Vida
  • P. Feijoo. Teatro critico universal
  • Ramón de la Cruz. Manolo
  • José Cadalso. Cartas marruecas
  • Leandro Fernández de MoratIn. La comedia nueva

II. The 19th Century.

  • Introduction to Historical and Cultural Setting.
  • Romanticism.
  • Mariano J. de Lana. Artículos de costumbres
  • José Zorrilla. Don Juan Tenorio
  • Gustavo A. B Rimas Realism - Naturalism.
  • Emilia Pardo Bazán. Cuentos
  • Leopoldo Alas. Textos.
  • Benito P. Galdós. Torguemada en la hoguera Generation of 1898
  • Miguel de Unaniuno. San Manuel Bueno. mártir
  • Plo Baroja. El árbol de la ciencia


III. The 20th Century.

  • Introduction to Historical and Cultural Setting.
  • Modernism.
  • Ramón del Valle-Inclán. Sonatas
  • Juan R. Jiménez. Poemas
  • Antonio Machado. PoesIa Generation of 1927.
  • Federico G. Lorca. PoesIa
  • Vicente Aleixandre. Poemas
  • José Ortega y Gasset. La rebelión de las masas
  • Miguel Hernández. Poesfa Post-War Literature.
  • Ramón J. Sender. Requiem por un campesino español
  • Camilo J. Cela. La colmena
  • Post-Franco Literature.
  • Miguel Delibes. Los santos inocentes
  • Paloma Pedrero. El color de agosto


Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

This course will be conducted entirely in Spanish and requires active participation. Although one third of the contact hours would have to be categorized as “lecture,” about two thirds of class time is devoted to open discussion of selected topics either in groups of three students or in a general class setting. After discussing the assigned readings, students are asked to watch a film on some of the literary works studied and to prepare a paper comparing the artistic and literary value of both mediums. In addition, students will be required to give an oral report on one of the topics assigned and to write one ten- page paper or two to three shorter papers in Spanish dealing with either one of the literary movements or with an author studied in class. The Modern Lan Association Handbook for Writers of Research Papers is recommended regarding the preparation of research papers and written reports. Students will also be required to conduct research exercises using World Wide Web resources such as:,,,, and other World Wide Web links related to Spanish literature and culture.


Goals and Objectives of the Course Students

1. should be able to understand a variety of first-rate works of Spanish literature, beginning with the Neoclassical period and ending with contemporary literature of Spain.
2. will acquire critical methods for analyzing a literary text and for writing a research paper.
3. will be able to discuss concrete and abstract topics in Spanish.
4. will develop synthesizing skills on an advanced level.
5. will develop reading comprehension skills in Spanish with texts dealing with literary information on 18th, 19th and 20th century Spain.
6. should improve their oral, written, listening and reading skills in Spanish by finding and analyzing information about Spanish life, culture and literature from the Neoclassical period through the present.
7. should demonstrate knowledge of the names and contributions of important figures of Spain from Neoclassicism to Contemporary trends in Spanish literature.
8. should demonstrate knowledge of the relative chronology of Spanish literature from 1700 until present.


Assessment Measures

Evaluation is based on participation in individual and team reports and other classroom activities involving assigned readings, outside of the class period assignments (research exercises and short term papers reporting on analyses of additional readings), quizzes, hour exams and a final exam. Listening, speaking, writing and reading comprehension are tested in class communication activities, oral reports and written assignments.


Other Course Information

Foreign Language majors with an Option in Spanish are required to include at least two 400-level courses into their program of studies. Spanish 411 is one of the courses on that level. In addition, this course may be taken to fulfill part of the general education requirements in English.


Approval and Subsequent Reviews

September 2005 Reviewed Philip Sweet