EDSP 677
Medical Aspects of Teaching Young Children with Disabilities
1. Catalog Entry
EDSP 677
Medical Aspects of Teaching Young Children with Disabilities
Credit hours (3)
Prerequisite: EDSP 651 or permission of the instructor
Examines the educational, physical, medical and health care needs of infants, toddlers, and young children with cognitive, physical, or sensory disabilities. Includes intervention, medical aspects, and management of neurodevelopmental and motor disabilities.
2. Detailed Description of Course
EDSP 677 is a required course in the Master of Science Degree in Special Education
Early Childhood Special Education option. Students gain knowledge and skills to meet
the needs of infants, toddlers, and young children with medical needs, or cognitive
and sensory/motor disabilities. The course will include atypical motor development,
physical management and handling procedures, assistive technology, and special health
care procedures. Developmentally-appropriate practice, culturally-competent family-centered
service delivery, collaboration, and the use of technology will be integrated throughout
the course. In addition the following topics are addressed:
1) Etiologies, prevalence and life span perspectives of medical and neurodevelopmental
disabling and at-risk conditions of
infants, toddlers, and young children
2) Characteristics of infants, toddlers, and young children with medical and neurodevelopmental
3) Eligibility categories and service delivery options under the Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act
4) Instructional Planning and Implementation for infants, toddlers, and young
children with medical and
neurodevelopmental conditions
5) Management of neurodevelopmental and motor disabilities: atypical motor development,
sensory integration
dysfunction, positioning and handling, feeding, toileting, and dressing
6) Use of Assistive Technology (legal aspects, types, etc.) with infants, toddlers,
and young children with medical and
neurodevelopmental conditions
7) Health care procedures for infants, toddlers, and young children with medical
and neurodevelopmental conditions
including first aid, emergency care, infection control, seizure care, administration
of medications, common health care
procedures and the role of health care professionals.
8) Low-incidence health care procedures including: non-oral feeding procedures,
atypical elimination procedures (ostomy,
clean intermittent catheterization), respiratory management (tracheotomy care,
suctioning, oxygen, ventilation),
developing special health care plans, role of school and early intervention
professionals, and ethical and policy issues.
9) Current certification in infant/child first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation
3. Detailed Description of Conduct of Course
Instructional strategies will include: lecture, demonstration, discussion, audiovisual
and web-based technologies, formal and informal writing, case studies, guest speakers,
and student presentations.
4. Goals and Objectives of the Course
Goals, objectives, and assignments in the class address CAEP Standard 1: Content and Pedagogical Knowledge: 1.1 and 1.3.
Objectives below also include the following standards:
1) Council for Exceptional Children (CEC/DEC)
2) Initial Preparation Standards Standard #1: Learner Development and Individual
Learning Differences (ISCI/ECSE 1);
Standard #2: Learning Environments (ISCI/ECSE 2); Standard #3: Curricular
Content Knowledge (ISCI/ECSE 3);
Standard #5: Instructional Planning and Strategies (ISCI/ECSE 5); Standard
#6: Professional Learning and Ethical
Practice (ISCI/ECSE 6); Standard #7: Collaboration (ISCI/ECSE 7)
3) Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) Licensure standards
4) Special Education: Early Childhood (birth through age 5): Competency 7: Medical
5) Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) Licensure standards
6) Professional Studies requirements Competency 1: Human Growth and Development
Upon successful completion of EDSP 677, students will:
(Italics codes: CEC/EC = Council for Exceptional Children/Early Childhood; VDOE SE-ECSE
= Virginia Department of Education ECSE competencies; VDOE Pro = Virginia Department
of Education Professional Studies competencies)
1) Identify legal, ethical, educational, and family issues that often are associated
with young children with medical and
health conditions (CEC/EC ECSE 6 K3, S8; VDOE SE-ECSE 7)
2) Describe factors that contribute to atypical development of young children
with health and medically related conditions
3) Demonstrate skill in emergency care including possession of current certification
in infant/child first aid and
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CEC/EC ISCI 6 S4; VDOE SE-ECSE 7)
4) Demonstrate understanding of basic terminology used by therapeutic and medical
professionals in
education/intervention settings (CEC/EC ECSE 5 S11; VDOE SE-ECSE 7)
5) Identify common roles and responsibilities of therapeutic and health care professionals
in the lives of children and their
families, and strategies for collaboration and referral (CEC/EC ISCI 7 K3,4,5,
S3,4; ECSE 2 S7; ECSE 5 S11; ECSE 7 S1, 5, 6;
6) Identify the impact of medical conditions on families’ concerns, priorities,
and weaknesses (CEC/EC ECSE 1 K5; ECSE 4
7) Demonstrate basic knowledge of common childhood illnesses and communicable
diseases (CEC/EC ISCI 2 S16; ECSE 2
8) Describe basic techniques for safe administration of medication and the common
effects of medications on children
9) Describe common neurodevelopmental, motor, and special health care conditions;
their prevalence, etiology, IDEA
classifications, and implications for development, learning, and family life
across the lifespan (CEC/EC ECSE 1 K2,
3, 4; VDOE SE-ECSE 7; VDOE Pro 1)
10)Demonstrate knowledge of the impact of neurodevelopmental and motor disorders
on movement and posture
11)Demonstrate basic appropriate techniques for positioning, lifting/transferring,
carrying, feeding, and dressing children
with physical disabilities (CEC/EC ECSE 6 S6; VDOE SE-ECSE 7)
12)Demonstrate appropriate use of technology suitable for young children including
incorporating adaptive and assistive
technology in instruction (CEC/EC ISCI 2 S3; ISCI 3 K4; ISCI 5 S7; ECSE 1
S6; ECSE 2 S1, 5; VDOE SE-ECSE 7)
13)Possess awareness of low incidence health care procedures, the role of educators
with regard to performing these
procedures within one’s skill level, and strategies for obtaining child-specific
training (CEC/EC ISCI 6 S7;
14)Demonstrate knowledge about sensory impairments (including visual, hearing,
sensory integration) and these
conditions affect independence and instruction (CEC/EC ISCI 6 S10; VDOE SE-ECSE
15)Read and critically apply research and recommended practices to services for
young children with disabilities and their
families (CEC/EC ISCI 6 K1,14; ISCI 6 S10; ECSE 5 K2)
16)Demonstrate sensitivity to the primary culture and individual differences of
children, families, and professionals during
all contacts (CEC/EC ISCI 6 S6)
5. Assessment Measures
Assessment measures may include, but are not limited to, the following:
1) 3-4 exams
2) Case study: screening of a child for motor and sensory impairment: written
3) 4-5 mini case studies in class or out of class assignments
4) Web-based application assignments: search and evaluate online resources
5) Individual presentations of projects and assignments on medical conditions
of young children
6. Other Course Information
This course is included in the Virginia Consortium for Early Childhood Special Education funded by the Virginia Department of Education and is offered in cooperation with the Radford University’s consortium partner, Lynchburg College.
Review and Approval
Spring 2008
April 4, 2009
May 11, 2015