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EDSP 700

EDSP 700
E-Portfolio Preparation for Special Education

Prerequisites: Completion of either EDSP 429/430 or a minimum of 6 EDSP graduate credit hours

1. Catalog Entry

EDSP 700
E-Portfolio Preparation for Special Education
Credit hours (1)

This one-credit portfolio preparation course will be offered online and will assist students in setting up their portfolio outline in D2L. Students will learn how to write Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) standards-based reflective narratives and begin the process of selecting assignments to place in their portfolio for their Table of Contents. Pass/Fail/In-Progress

2. Detailed Description of Course

Students will complete 4 online modules in D2L – (1) Understanding the purpose and process of the portfolio; (2) Understanding D2L requirements and creating the shell for the portfolio; (3) Creating an expanded Table of Contents tied to CEC Standards (Council for Exceptional Children Professional Standards which tie to our program accreditation). Students will complete IRIS modules which inform the CEC standards,  write a summary of the skills and knowledge in that standard as it applies to their licensure area, and identify two artifacts that demonstrate they have acquired the skills and knowledge in that standards area. (4) Creating a 1000 word narrative for one standard (with the understanding that this will be edited and enhanced before submitting it as part of the Portfolio Comprehensive Exam). In this narrative, students will describe and make connections among coursework, learning experiences, and the specific knowledge and skills required for that area of the CEC Standards.

3. Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

As noted above, students will complete 4 online modules in D2L. For each module, students will be provided:
• A module organizer;
• A narrated PPT and/or YouTube video which explains the module and the assignment;
• Resources such as the links to the CEC Standards or related IRIS modules;
• Assignment submission models and examples, and
• An assignment dropbox for the required student submission.

Students must complete each module in order. The instructor will grade and provide feedback for each module before students can proceed to the next module.
Participation in the course will also allow students to learn and to use the portfolio feature of D2L.

4. Goals and Objectives of the Course

Upon successful completion of the course students will:
• Know how to use the portfolio feature of D2L, having created a shell for their portfolio;
• Create a Table of Contents for their Portfolio and know how to assign course and field experience artifacts to each area of the portfolio; and
• Understand how to write a 1000-word reflective narrative for one CEC standard.

5.    Assessment Measures

• Completed e-portfolio shell with all 7 CEC Standards;
• Completed Table of Contents with signature assignments assigned and summaries in their own words for each standard;
• One standard fully completed with signature/student choice artifacts and one narrative.

6. Other Course Information

The portfolio will be built around the Council for Exceptional Children Professional Preparation Standards. Students will also download IRIS Briefs that inform the CEC Standards.

Review and Approval

May 7, 2014