STAT 499: Internship in Statistics
Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing, at least a 2.5 GPA overall, at least a 2.5 GPA in mathematics and statistics and permission of instructor.
Credit Hours: (1-6)
Applications of theory learned in the classroom to real-world statistical problems in a professional setting. Provides a platform for building teamwork skills and solving interdisciplinary problems.
Detailed Description of Content of Course
The internship in mathematics has been designed to provide math students with a concentration in Statistics an opportunity to gain practical experience in professional settings. Emphasis will be placed on the application of statistics to real-world problems, as well as, on those qualities that cannot be gained through formal coursework, such as team skills and time management responsibilities.
The practical experience that will be gained through this internship is not associated with any specific coursework. Instead, it should promote problem-solving skills necessary to determine appropriate mathematical applications for different situations.
Detailed Description of Conduct of Course
An arrangement will be made between the site supervisor, the faculty supervisor, and the student specifying the outcomes of the internship and the times that the students will work at the site. The student will receive academic credit for, and possibly financial remuneration for, the internship.
A student may require instruction for new techniques and/or new software. S/he may consider computer-assisted instruction, a short course offered by Radford University’s Academic Computing Center, or self-paced instruction via appropriate textbooks or on-line Help.
By the last day of classes of the semester in which the student interns, the student will prepare a written report detailing the experience itself.
Throughout the internship the student will communicate with members of a team of site personnel and RU faculty. Students will keep a journal of their activities, experiences, concerns, and successes.
Goals and Objectives of the Course
Objectives of the internship in Statistics include:
Assessment Measures
Grades will be awarded by the faculty supervisor in consultation with the site supervisor. The site supervisor will provide a work evaluation of the student intern.
The student will submit a journal to the faculty supervisor at the end of the internship. This journal will at least include entries about activities, experiences, concerns, and successes of the student.
The student intern will turn in a written report on the last day of classes. This report should include:
Other Course Information
Review and Approval
Sept. 2001 Review Stephen Corwin, Chair