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THEA 300

THEA 300: Sound Design for the Arts

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor

Credit Hours: (3)

Instruction in the art of sound recording, editing, storage and processing. Study of sound design for the arts with special emphasis on dance, film radio, television, music and theatre.

Detailed Description of Course

This course provides students with an overview of sound design for the arts. Lecture will emphasize the nature of sound, how it is recorded, processed, stored and reproduced in a variety of acoustic and electronic environments in support of visual and performing arts, as well as an art form in and of itself.

Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

1) Lecture and problem-based application of sound aesthetics, sound recording, sound editing, sound storage, and sound/ signal processing.
2) Generation and mixing of sound effects for representation or amplification
3) Projects emphasize sound use and manipulation in the following production settings:
    a. Dance
    b. Film
    c. Music
    d. Radio
    e. Television
    f. Theatre
    g. Multimedia/crossover

Goals and Objectives of the Course

On completion of THEA 300, students should be able to:

1) Listen critically.
2) Communicate using the vocabulary of sound design.
3) Demonstrate proficiency in skills which include: interconnecting equipment, recording, editing, mixing, and reproducing sound.
4) Create a variety of sound effects using acoustic and digital means.
5) Synchronize sound to visual media.
6) Recognize the role the sound designer plays in a variety of productions.
7) Describe business aspects of sound design.
8) Make aesthetic judgments about sound using a recognized system of criteria.

Assessment Measures

Students are assessed through written examinations, classroom participation and presentations as well as critical evaluation of their sound productions.

Other Course Information

This course counts as an elective toward the Theatre major, the Theatre minor, and the interdisciplinary Cinematic Arts minor.


Review and Approval

September 2005
2/2009            Review        Carl Lefko
3/2010            Review        Carl Lefko
July 2010
January 2016