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THEA 328

THEA 328: Acting II: Improvisation Techniques

Prerequisites: THEA 227

Credit Hours: (3)

The workshop style class seeks to improve the actors’ access to their individual creativity and imagination through exercises designed to sharpen their improvisational skills. The course seeks to reinforce the actor's conscious use of tehcnique in their creative process.

Note(s): Repeatable for academic credit. Student cannot receive credit for both THEA 324 and THEA 328.


Detailed Description of Course

Exercises, games, evaluation/follow-up.

Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

Using exercises as daily warm-up, this class will focus on constant “on-the-feet” exercises based largely on the work of Spolin, Book, and Johnstone. The class will culminate in application of improvisation techniques to scripted material. Students will keep a jounral of their progress.

Goals and Objectives of the Course

1. The student actor will improve access to their creativity and explore the boundless options for action and character available when auditioning or working on a role.

2. The student actor will continue work on freeing the imagination -- one of the actor's most indispensible tools.

3. The student actor will learn techniques for use in rehearsal and for developing a role that supplement and expand on previous traditinoal actor training.

Assessment Measures

The exercises, their follow-up and summary will be facilitated by the instructor. Students are assessed on their attendance, regular writings in a journal and preparation of their scripted scene.

Other Course Information



Review and Approval

3/2009            Revision        Carl Lefko

3/2010            Revision        Carl Lefko

July 2010

March, 2019