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THEA 340

THEA 340: Scene Painting 

Prerequisites: None

Credit Hours: (3)

This course is a beginner studio class in the techniques and processes of scene painting, encompassing skills necessary for theatre and theatre related painting projects. Topics include:  terminology, tools, faux finishes, abstract techniques, realistic reproductions, washes, glazes, as well as the working from small scale source to a large scale product.

Note: This class will require a lab fee of $125 to cover the cost of bulk materials bought by the Theatre Department. 


Detailed Description of Course Content

  • Students will study and practice the basic techniques used in theatrical scenic painting and to develop an understanding of how to combine them effectively on advanced projects.
  • Students will develop an appropriate vocabulary with which to discuss/critique their work, and to critique the work of others.


 Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

An informal studio approach in the discovery and principles used in scenic painting will be emphasized.  

Goals and Objectives of the Course

Upon completion of the course students will be able to:

  • Develop skills necessary to execute theatrical scene painting tasks.
  • Develop an appreciation and knowledge of scenic artistry.
  • Develop skills in the various materials, tools and processes used in scenic painting.
  • Develop and nurture artistic skills in transfer, layout and execution of the designer’s renderings and elevations into realized projects.
  • Develop an understanding of advanced terminology associated with scene painting


Assessment Measures

  • Student will be graded on painting exercises and larger painting projects.
  • Students will be evaluated on verbal critiques of their own work, as well as their classmates.
  • Students will have a Mid-term exam.
  • Students will be required to paint on a university production as a part of class.
  • Students will create a final project using most if not all the skills covered in the semester.   



Other Course Information


Review and Approval

December, 2018