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THEA 440

THEA 440: Porterfield Ensemble

Prerequisites: THEA 227 (Acting I), THEA 328 (Acting II) and Permission of Instructor  

Credit Hours: (3)

Porterfield Ensemble is a rehearsal and production practices course that culminates in a theatre piece that tours to local schools and community arts venues. 


Detailed Description of Course Content

The course will examine efficient use of rehearsal as well as cover the various aspects of preparing and touring a theatrical production.


Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

In an intensified studio experience the students will devise a theatre piece for touring. This will involve reading, research, movement and vocal work, rehearsal, memorization, and occasional creative writing. The student will also be involved in some aspects of the physical production, administrative/management work, and the physical labor of taking the production on tour, setting it up, performing it, and interacting with school personnel and student audiences.  

Goals and Objectives of the Course

1) The student will explore approaches for effective use of rehearsing for performance.

2) The student will expand knowledge of techniques for characterization and staging.

3) The student will understand the rudiments of touring a theatrical production.

4) The student will gain a thorough understanding of collaborating as an ensemble to produce, tour, and perform a theatrical production.

5) The student will broaden thinking about means for researching and/or creating a dramatic piece/character.


Assessment Measures

The main assessment measure is feedback from the faculty. The response of various audiences and their feedback in post-show discussions is also an assessment of creative work such as this.


 Other Course Information

This type of touring model is a major form of entry-level employment for performers and stage managers immediately out of undergraduate Theatre study.


Review and Approval

March, 2019