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THEA 475

Theatre 475: Theatre Problems

Credit Hours: (1-3)

Contains a concentrated study of particularly significant people, events, movements or aspects of theatrical venues not covered in depth in other course offerings.

Note(s): May be repeated (on different topics) for maximum of 12 semester hours credit.


Detailed Description of Content of Course

This course is a concentrated study of particularly significant people, events, movements or aspects of theatre not covered in depth in other course offerings. It is offered when there is sufficient student interest and a qualified, interested instructor.


Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

The contents of this course will vary each time it is offered. The flexibility of the Theatre Problems course will contribute to keeping the student more closely abreast of the dynamics, facets, and developments in theatre.


Goals and Objectives

Students will recognize an aspect of a theatre craft or skill in depth. Because the size of the classes is small each student can explore in detail the practical and/or aesthetic features of the craft or skill taught. At the conclusion of the course, students will have demonstrated a thorough knowledge of the theatre craft or skill explored.


Assessment Measures

The nature of the project investigated will determine how it is assessed. Graded assignments may include in-class tests, a final examination, pop quizzes, the review of individual presentations and/or projections.


Other Course Information



Review and Approval

April, 2009

June 20, 2015