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THEA 476

THEA 476: Production Practicum

Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor

Credit Hours: (1-3)

Provides the student with an experiential application of the principles of theatrical production and its various aspects. Typical experiences will include, but not be limited to: acting, box office, design and production, directing, dramaturgy, makeup design, publicity, and management. This course is intended for students who wish to extend their classroom experience by applying it practically to a realized project.

Note(s): May be repeated for up to twelve (12) semester hours for credit.


Detailed Description of Course

The purpose of the course is to expose the student to the basic principles of stagecraft and construction as well as other facets of theatrical production including research and theatre management with emphasis on adaptation to actual production procedures.

1. Student and supervising faculty member will develop a significant realized project centered on theatrical production and its components.
2. Student and supervising faculty member will determine the specific objectives, goals and expectations of the practicum experience.


Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

1. Students will meet regularly with their supervising faculty member.
2. Students will be expected to document and articulate their experience and progress through, but not restricted to, such means as journals, plans, scripts, reports, etc.


Goals and Objectives of the Course

1. Students will create.
2. Students will demonstrate independent thought.
3. Provides students with an experiential application of the principles of theatrical production and its components.
4. Students will further explore and develop skills, concepts and aesthetic principles introduced in their course work.
5. Students will demonstrate a better understanding of the creative process.
6. Students will augment their portfolio.


Assessment Measures

Evaluation will be based on an ongoing dialogue between faculty member and student, assessment of the planning and outcome of the practicum and an assessment of the overall experience.


Other Course Information



Review and Approval

April, 2009