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Department of Music

The Radford University Department of Music provides innovative, creative instruction and experiences in music for students from diverse backgrounds, enhanced by multicultural/global perspectives and the benefits of new technology, preparing professional, entrepreneurial, and scholarly musicians who function both independently and in community with others.

student performing
  • music education
  • Music Therapy
  • Music Business

Dakota McBride picked up the saxophone when he was in the sixth grade, and by his mid-teens, he'd made his bond with the instrument. See how Dakota found his place at Radford and how his degree in music will lead him to teaching.

  • This week in Highlanders in the News: Radford dance students and the Commercial Music Ensemble put their spin on a classic album; Provost Bethany Usher and Assistant Provost Jerel Benton discuss student success; and the Sherman Carter Memorial Stadium enjoys a makeover after its September mud bath.

    Two dance majors perform onstage before a small band of musicians.
  • Dr. Jennifer McDonel will discuss the role music plays in early education and development on March 18 as part of the Provost's Speaker Series.

    Children learning music basics.
  • Music and theater students and faculty will experience a unique wellness workshop and collaborate with Canadian educators and mental health professionals to perform Die Schöne Müllerin.

    Actors Aspen Ramsey, Kyla Gilcrest and Sarah Lindsay Merriman review materials in preparation for their roles in “Die Schöne Müllerin.