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Artis Mentor Collective

How it Works

To participate in this mentorship program, mentors and mentees will have to register and complete a 3-minute online survey where you will be asked about your background, academic interests, hobbies, etc."

Mentees will be matched with a mentor on a "first come first serve basis" based on the survey. As soon as they are matched, they will receive an SMS introducing each other and they will be able to start engaging with their counterpart.

What do mentors and mentees discuss?

  • How will my major impact my professional options?
  • How do I balance the demands of school, responsibilities, and socializing?
  • How can I set myself up for academic, social, and career success?
  •  How do I make connections with peers and professional contacts?

"I'm volunteering to mentor because I've been fortunate enough to have mentors who guided me throughout my academic journey. I feel like I am finally able to give back."

Student Mentor