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Success After Graduating

Every year we ask our students for more information about their post-graduation plans. Pursuing a particular passion? Going to graduate school? Starting a new job? We want to know!

This survey should take no more than 2 minutes to complete. 

  • Completing this short survey will help Radford University share our students' success stories and meet the needs of future Highlanders. The information from this survey is used for college rankings, recruiting new Highlanders, submitted as part of accreditation reports and shared with SCHEV (State Council of Higher Education for Virginia) and NACE (National Association for Colleges and Employers).  Additionally, completion of the survey will help identify students who need further support. 

  • Encourage your students to take the survey.

    • Schedule the survey to be taken as part of your capstone or senior level classes
    • Integrate the survey in their advising appointments
    • Invite students to take the survey at social events, club meetings, athletic practices or other planned programming on campus